full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Young-ha Kim: Be an artist, right now!

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And that's right. Art is about going a little nuts and justifying the next sncentee, which is not much different from what a kid does. A kid who has just started to lie is taking the first step as a sltereytolr. Kids do art. They don't get tired and they have fun doing it. I was in Jeju Island a few days ago. When kids are on the beach, most of them love piyalng in the water. But some of them spend a lot of time in the sand, making mountains and seas -- well, not seas, but different things -- people and dogs, etc. But prtanes tell them, "It will all be washed away by the weavs." In other words, it's useless. There's no need. But kids don't mind. They have fun in the mnmeot and they keep playing in the sand. Kids don't do it because someone told them to. They aren't told by their boss or anyone, they just do it.

Open Cloze

And that's right. Art is about going a little nuts and justifying the next ________, which is not much different from what a kid does. A kid who has just started to lie is taking the first step as a ___________. Kids do art. They don't get tired and they have fun doing it. I was in Jeju Island a few days ago. When kids are on the beach, most of them love _______ in the water. But some of them spend a lot of time in the sand, making mountains and seas -- well, not seas, but different things -- people and dogs, etc. But _______ tell them, "It will all be washed away by the _____." In other words, it's useless. There's no need. But kids don't mind. They have fun in the ______ and they keep playing in the sand. Kids don't do it because someone told them to. They aren't told by their boss or anyone, they just do it.


  1. storyteller
  2. moment
  3. playing
  4. waves
  5. sentence
  6. parents

Original Text

And that's right. Art is about going a little nuts and justifying the next sentence, which is not much different from what a kid does. A kid who has just started to lie is taking the first step as a storyteller. Kids do art. They don't get tired and they have fun doing it. I was in Jeju Island a few days ago. When kids are on the beach, most of them love playing in the water. But some of them spend a lot of time in the sand, making mountains and seas -- well, not seas, but different things -- people and dogs, etc. But parents tell them, "It will all be washed away by the waves." In other words, it's useless. There's no need. But kids don't mind. They have fun in the moment and they keep playing in the sand. Kids don't do it because someone told them to. They aren't told by their boss or anyone, they just do it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
king lear 3
talk today 2
son dam 2
night long 2
contemporary art 2
artistic desire 2
stage art 2
magic question 2

Important Words

  1. art
  2. beach
  3. boss
  4. days
  5. dogs
  6. fun
  7. island
  8. jeju
  9. justifying
  10. kid
  11. kids
  12. lie
  13. lot
  14. love
  15. making
  16. mind
  17. moment
  18. mountains
  19. nuts
  20. parents
  21. people
  22. playing
  23. sand
  24. seas
  25. sentence
  26. spend
  27. started
  28. step
  29. storyteller
  30. time
  31. tired
  32. told
  33. useless
  34. washed
  35. water
  36. waves
  37. words